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Kubernetes HPA Autoscaling with Kafka metrics

K8s Autoscaling with Stackdriver and Kafka

Autoscaling is natively supported on Kubernetes. Since 1.7 release, Kubernetes added a feature to scale your workload based on custom metrics. Prior release only supported scaling your apps based on CPU and memory.

Kubernetes 1.7 introduced "Aggregator Layer" which allows Kubernetes to be extended with additional APIs, beyond …

Sharded Mongodb in Kubernetes StatefulSets on GKE

MongoDB in K8s

This blog is going to demonstrate the setup of Sharded MongoDB Cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine. We will use kubernetes StatefulSets feature to deploy mongodb containers.

We need to cover some concepts before we move on to demonstration.


A StatefulSets is like a Deployment which manages Pods and guarantees …

Installation of VNC server on Ubuntu

This blog is intended for people who wanted to install GUI or desktop environment on linux servers running on cloud and connect.

We are going to use VNC (Virtual Network Computing) protocol for accessing our remote desktop server.

What is VNC ?

Virtual network computing, or VNC, is a graphical desktop …

A Practical Guide to Geopy

During my final major academic project, i was working with Twitter data (ie. tweets). I did some research and found out approximately only 1% of all Tweets published on Twitter are geolocated (ie. have location information). This is a very small portion of the Tweets, and i needed almost every …

Pelican Python Blogging Framework

Hello, Everyone! This is 2nd blog post about Pelican framework in python.

Deployment of Pelican : Blog Frameworks

Pelican is a static site generator, written in Python. It strikes as a very interesting method as you can write your content purely in your favourite editor (in Markdown Flavour) and commit your …

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