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Pelican Python Blogging Framework

Hello, Everyone! This is 2nd blog post about Pelican framework in python.

Deployment of Pelican : Blog Frameworks

Pelican is a static site generator, written in Python. It strikes as a very interesting method as you can write your content purely in your favourite editor (in Markdown Flavour) and commit your post or style changes using Git. You can design your blog and deploy on Github-Pages very quickly.

Installation's :

How to setup Pelican?? Go ahead and detailed explanation of kicking a small webpage and deploying using github-pages, Creating-a-blog-on-GitHub-dot-io-with-Python by Sean Azlin. I got most of the help in building this blog from this.

Variety of themes available.

Note's :

  1. Follow Markdown syntax to write post.
  2. Deploy your page by following and check your gitpage-url :

    $ ghp-import output

    $ git checkout master

    $ git merge gh-pages

    $ git push --all

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© Sunny Kumar. Built using Pelican. Theme by Sunny Kumar on github.

Tweets by Sunny_KrGupta